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Will Christian College Shelter Me?

With dreams to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher or maybe a counselor, you might wonder if a Christian college can prepare you for those fields or even give you a taste of what the “real world” will be like. You’ve heard so many good things about the Christian college experience, but will it simply isolate you from the outside world?

At International Christian College & Seminary, we believe in the importance of providing you an excellent education that is representative of the world’s expectations but still firmly grounded in biblical principles. Christian colleges have in the past, been known for their tendency to sacrifice quality of education for biblical teaching, resulting in poor education and sheltered students. At International Christian College & Seminary, we understand the importance of truly providing an excellent education in a Christian context.

Our classes aim to not only cover what’s in the textbooks, but also apply those theories to real-life situations. Our professors will evaluate you firmly but fairly because I know that’s exactly what happens in the corporate world. Our job is to prepare students to be qualified and prepared to survive the secular job market, not just be prepared with biblical truths. We strive to create balance between hard facts and a foundation of integrity and honesty. Every field of interest has its own temptations and we at International Christian College & Seminary work hard to not shelter you, but prepare you for the world and the temptations you will face.

We hope you will consider us as you make a decision about your future and encourage you to ask any question you might have! We invite you to give us a try and see how God is waiting to use you in the world! You can find us online at http://iccsonlinebiblecollege.com/, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Please complete the information in the box that says, "Start Here" or call us at (877)391-3741 to begin your educational journey with ICCS.