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Learning In a Christian Context

Selecting a college means making some tough decisions. There isn’t a “right” answer, since God can guide, teach, and prepare you wherever you go, but here are three of the best reasons why many students select Christian colleges as places to learn, grow and prepare for their future careers. At International Christian College & Seminary your education will impact you spiritually and academically as you pursue a deeper relationship with Christ.

While secular colleges can teach you a lot about how the world works, we can also teach you why it works that way. Learning in a Christian context teaches you how to use your position and your money to find true satisfaction and purpose as you gain the knowledge to successfully pursue a career in your field. Your time at International Christian College & Seminary will prepare you for the workplace and challenge you to make an eternal difference in the world.

International Christian College & Seminary is committed to achieving a higher standard of academic integrity because we represent the name of Christ in all that we do. We train our students how to apply what they believe and how their role in the workplace is an extension of their faith and how God might be using them. Contrary to some stereotypes about being narrow-minded and second-rate, Christian colleges, on the whole, strive for academic excellence and seek to give students the freedom to ask hard questions because we believe learning in a Christian context has such great potential to change lives.

As a Christian, we understand you are not pursuing a college education to get a job and make money. You have a greater purpose. You are called to make a difference. You are going so you can learn to be a missionary for the Kingdom of God. And at International Christian College & Seminary we want to partner with you in this mission and train all our students, not just missionaries or ministers, to spread the Gospel in all that they do. We are committed to helping you live your faith in whatever vocation you may choose and design our programs to challenge you to decide what this means in your own career.

Along with teaching students how to share Christ, International Christian College & Seminary teaches you how to bring about positive change in the name of Christ. Students are challenged to care for the needy, the impoverished, and the oppressed—just like Jesus did. We believe your experience here, even through online classes, should teach you how to bring a little bit of God’s Kingdom to a hurting world.
We hope you will consider us as you make a decision about your future and encourage you to ask any question you might have! We invite you to give us a try and see how God is waiting to use you in the world! You can find us online at http://iccsonlinebiblecollege.com/, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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