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Online Bible School

The International Christian College and Seminary is an online Bible school that offers high quality Christian education at the most affordable fees. In today’s world, it is of utmost importance for anyone to have a solid standing on their Christian faith especially with the ever growing influence of the secular world in our day to day lives. To accomplish this more effectively, the ICCS is now offering their courses online to reach a wider range of enrollees and to make it more feasible for anyone to achieve a degree without leaving their homes.

Studying the Bible by yourself can already be a very enriching experience by itself but if you feel that you have the calling to help share the Word of God to other people, you need to be better equipped with knowledge to face the challenges that you will face especially from the secular world. Our courses are designed to give you a step-by-step process of maturing into a more perfect ambassador of Christ in today’s world. You will be receiving instructions which are similar to those which can be found in a regular Bible school but at a pace which is more comfortable for you.

“Is Online Learning for Me?”
Get equipped with the truth of God’s Word through online courses from International Christian College and Seminary Distance Learning.

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Get answers to your questions about preparing for ministry through International Christian College and Seminary.

By the time you complete this trial course, you’ll know the answer to the question:
“Is Online Learning for Me?”
So why should one enroll in an online Bible school? Doesn’t it have lesser privileges for the student and a lower quality of training and education as well? The answer to both of these questions is no. When you enroll at our online courses, you will be assured of the same type of training and instruction that can be found in a brick-and-mortar school; the only difference is you will be receiving these trainings right inside your own home. We employ the same teachers and staff to provide our students with instruction in these Christian courses so you can rely on their quality.

Another benefit of studying in a Bible School online is that you get to study at your own free time. The demands of a regular school would not be able to provide you with such a privilege and it can even be costly also in terms of transport expenses. As the lessons and exams are accessible online, the student will be able to take and study them at their own time and pace. There is no need to hurry and stress over hectic schedules and deadlines as the students are given sufficient time to finish their courses.

If you are thinking of receiving additional training and knowledge about the Christian faith, then an online Bible school can be your best option. We at the International Christian College and Seminary are offering a wide range of courses that will surely be of benefit to anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of the Word of God. The online platform helps us to make our courses available to a wider range of students who may not have the time to attend a regular Bible school. It is the goal of ICCS to offer a solid grounding of the Christian faith to our students and with our new online courses; we hope to achieve this even better.

Please complete the information in the box that says, "Start Here" or call us at (877)391-3741 to begin your educational journey with ICCS.