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Apologetics in today’s world

When looking into a Christian based college, it is important to see if the college teaches apologetics. However, if one cannot define apologetics than one cannot verify if the Bible College teaches such.

Apologetics Summarized

The term Apologetics does not mean to apologize. On the contrary, apologetics are definitive answers given to support your belief. Being as the world is full of skepticism, it is important for any Christian to be able to have a set of apologetic arguments to give when presented with a difficult theological question. Where apologetics present the most beneficial use is when dealing with a non-Christian.
Apologetics present logical arguments to the person asking the question. This is beyond the scope of “the bible says” arguments which have done very little for adding to the accreditation of the faith. Do not be mistaken, the bible is the definitive word on any matter and should be viewed as such. The problem arises when addressing those which do not hold the bible to be truth. How does one go about presenting an argument which supports the Christian faith, defends the bible, and does not contradict your beliefs? The answer again is with apologetics.
Apologetics present a logical argument based on facts, science, history, as well as biblical scripture, theology, doctrine, and such. The overall point is to not give an opinion of a subject, but to give the questionnaire a logical point of view. Apologetics start with a sound grasp of the bible. This can be accomplished by taking a bible study or a theological study course from an accredited bible college.

Apologetics in a Bible College

To appropriately address and defend the Christian faith, a person needs to be well grounded in his or her beliefs and be able to give logical arguments to their faith. A college that does not present training in apologetics is a college which needs to be avoided. It would be the equivalent of giving a person a car with no key or faulty tires. Ensure that you get the appropriate apologetic training by enrolling in the International Christian College and Seminary. Online classes are now being offered at iccscampus.org which will equip you with sound apologetics.
Whether you are looking for a degree in ministry, theology, bible studies, or looking for a sound education to better equip you for a cynical world International Christian College and Seminary can help you with your needs. Offering scholarships and programs to help anyone obtain their degree, it is quite easy to get enrolled today. If you have any questions about the college or would like more information, you are encouraged to visit our website http://iccsonlinebiblecollege.com or call 1.877.391.3741. ICCS is a non-denomination bible college which focuses on teaching the word from the word. Where we do offer courses in theology and bible studies, we do not offer a specific doctrinal point of view as we want to equip our students to be able to present, apologetically, the gospel to the world

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