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Did God say that?

As a Christian, I have run across many individuals that have a strong grasp of the bible. Their apologetics and their doctrines are sound and this solidification in their biblical knowledge has been a great encouragement for my personal growth. Yet, at the same time I have found that there are a great deal of Christians that have been misguided by the simple phrase “but God said”. ICCS online biblical college wants to equip you with biblical wisdom so that you can go forth into all nations with a confidence that the message which you are delivering is a true word.

Non-denominational online bible college

One of the main causes for Christians to fall into the “but God said” state is that they become indoctrinated by the denomination and not by the actual biblical text. This is not to say that a denominational tie is a bad thing so long as it is biblically based. However, it has been found that as a whole that denominational focuses tend to add to the text rather than to take from the text (known as exegesis).

At http://iccsonlinebiblecollege.com a non-denominational exegetical approach is taken to the bible. This simply means that the bible is taken for being the definitive word of God and the core of the bible college. If it is not in the bible as a precept or practice, then you will not find such taught at this online college.

Worldly colleges have worldly beliefs

There is a grave trend which has saturated colleges and the human intellect in general that if I can think that it is truth then it must be so. What is dangerous about such a belief is that many people are attributing their thoughts to the voice of God. By adding the “god said” to a thought, one diminishes the Bible and opens the door to selective interpretation.

ICCS eliminates this door for selective interpretation. Note that this is selective not personal revelation. Where the bible is presented to the students and such material is taught from a straight forward point of view, it is ultimately the student’s personal revelations as to the scriptures which determine the depth of understanding. http://iccsonlinebiblecollege.com leads students to understand the bible, worldly colleges on the other hand lead the student to think from a predetermined end.

The biggest issue with a secular college is that there is such a diversity of religions, doctrines, and theologies, that it becomes rather difficult to differentiate between what God has actually stated in the Bible, what is close to that which is in the bible but twisted or misinterpreted, what is of another religious belief which mirrors or closely resembles Christian teaching, and that which is pure human fantasy. Such is the agglomeration of though and theology, it is no wonder that Christians have found it difficult to obtain creditable learning from institutions. An online bible college such as ICCS offers a focused environment. Where it may be true that you will be presented with other thought processes and religions, such will be done to strengthen your Christian faith, not merge it with that of the world.

Please complete the information in the box that says, "Start Here" or call us at (877)391-3741 to begin your educational journey with ICCS.