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From prison to heaven: How to change your life for good

There are many prisoners and former prisoners among my friends and colleagues. One thing I noticed is that when many of them first show up at an event or meeting, the last thing they want is someone to tell them how to get from prison to heaven. How to change your life for good doesn’t seem as important when you are going to spend a good chunk of it right where you are at the moment.

Eventually, that initial reaction gives way to a desire to make amends or to get a second chance. Prison life is tough, no matter what kind of facility you are in. You are not made to be hemmed in or to live your life as directed by others. It’s not natural. It is not God’s will.

What prison ministries offer inmates might not make them famous millionaire businessmen and women or powerful politicians or inventors. What we offer is a way to change your life for Good. It is not an impossible task.

Throughout the Bible, we read about men in prison. Never are they called inmates or prisoners. They are men imprisoned or held. They are never the subject of a lesson of what not to do. They are inspiring characters; important examples God uses to show the Way.

You can be like the imprisoned role models we read about in the Bible. Every one of them went from prison to Heaven. How to change your life for good is to share the thing they all had in common; faith in God.

Old Testament believers knew the Lord was coming. Today, we know He arrived. For “God so loved the world, that he sent His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. For God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” (John 3:16-17 NIV)

That is Christianity at its basest. Jesus Christ came to earth as a man, allowed himself to be crucified as a sacrifice for our sins. Then He rose from the dead, saving us in fulfillment of the Old Testament scriptures. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus. If you can accept Him as your savior, He will take you from prison to heaven.

How to change your life for good could start with obtaining a Bible or discussing the faith with a good Christian. Most prisons allow schools like the International Christian College and Seminary (ICCS) to provide materials and classes that can teach you everything about the Bible, Christianity, and more.

The more you get to know the Word, the more you will realize how it can change your life. If there are discussion or prayer groups, ask if you can sit in. Talk to your chaplain. The story of Jesus is a verifiable history of how we are forgiven and saved.

Let the International Christian College and Seminary (ICCS) help you find the Way. Ask about a sample course offering or written literature. Talk to your chaplain about getting a Bible. Soon, you could be among the Biblical imprisoned, on your way from prison to Heaven.

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