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A New Hope for Life in Prison

If Jesus was on Earth today, perhaps He could be found in prison, dining and talking with the incarcerated whom we view as outcasts or criminals. His biggest mission on earth was seeking and saving those who are lost! In Mathew 25:36, 40, we see Jesus’s love for prison ministry. It is for this reason that we endeavor following the footsteps of Jesus by offering the incarcerated Bible study lessons.
It is our great desire to help the incarcerated receive spiritual nourishment and the good news of our Lord Jesus by studying the Bible. From research and our experience over the years, we have come to understand that the imprisoned gain a lot from by Bible study using correspondence. It is because prisoners have plenty of time to devote to studying the Bible. This could have been different if they were free as we do. We’ve developed this program to benefit thousands of prisoners in the country. We issue them certificates after completing the course.

We at www.iccscampus.org have the passion of studying and sharing the word of God and also bring a new hope for life in prison. We have a qualified staff that guides our learners to study the Bible in a more effective way. Our Bible study program is geared at helping the incarnated to know God on a personal level, and by doing this, they will receive Christ who guides them to read and meditate on the word. They shall also be able to pray for themselves and others, deal with their emotions and also become role models in society. Our Bible study curriculum is best suited for our incarcerated brothers and sisters.

Any Christian who loves the Lord must gather insights and the wonderful actions of God through reading the Bible. Jesus is the way to eternity, and we can only get to know Him by studying the word. In John 14:16, Jesus says “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. Every Christian wishes to get a promotion to eternity. This only comes after reading the word. We offer Bible study lessons to enable the incarnated read the word of God and also live a life that will make them inherit the Kingdom of God.

At our college, we believe in equality. Our guiding principle is that all of us are equal before God and we all need His forgiveness. The prisoners also need to read the word of God without discrimination. We are advised by Jesus Himself in James 2:1-5 to not discriminate against others basing on their status in society. Prisoners are also human beings! The incarcerated, therefore, have a chance of amassing knowledge about the word of God through Bible study. We are trying to denounce those discriminative attitudes held by the society against the imprisoned by giving them the opportunity to study the Bible and Know God. This is a new hope for life in prison.

Since prison is a rehabilitation center, the main aim activity there, therefore, is to transform the incarcerated. Prisoners are taken through a deliberate program that enables them to alter their weird behaviors. We believe that salvation is the only sure way to change. Our Bible study curriculum is aimed at creation transformation in the lives of the inmates. They’ll change after reading the word of God, and they will abandon bad morals and start living pure life. An individual’s past cannot dictate his/her life. If one can denounce his wrong doings, God can use him. For instance, Moses became a murderer and a fugitive in the Egyptian judicial system but what became of him after that is amazing! He was used by God to free His people from slavery in Egypt and take them to the Promised Land. Everyone has value!

Given that we are a Christian institution, our programs are geared to spreading the Gospel to the world. We have gone further to develop a Bible study for the prisoners. These are individuals who are looked down upon by the society. We did this to enable them to overcome their unending guilt they get after thinking of their actions that landed them in prison. This has brought a new hope in prison. For more information, please contact us now: 877-391-3741.

To read more about our programs for the incarcerated please click here.

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