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How can I succeed at online learning?

Online learning is education centered on the internet or videoconferencing in order to facilitate the give and take of information that is learning. Online learning, or distance education or e-learning is increasingly popular these days, to the extent that a person is able to earn an entire degree without stepping foot onto a physical campus. About half of all college students in 2014 took at least one online course. It is vital that every online student ask himself or herself How can I succeed at online learning?

The one thing that mnote-takingakes online learning so attractive is the convenience. The learner these days need not drive to a physical location so many times a week for so many years, rather he or she can simply sit down at a computer a home or in a coffee shop and log into their classes. However, online learning may be more challenging than it seems at first glance. If you’re considering an online degree or even a class or two with us at www.iccsonlinebiblecollege.com, ask yourself How can I succeed at online learning?

What Makes a Successful Online Learner?
Do you know what you want to learn and you’ve picked out your program? Do you have sufficient computer skills so you can navigate the cyber-school world? Great! The truth is that online learning require as much skill and energy as traditional classroom courses. See if you have what it takes to be a successful online learner.

First of all, you’ll need to take into consideration how easy it is, when you don’t have to be in a classroom at the same time two or three days a week, to not keep a set schedule so you have plenty of time to read materials and prepare assignments. Be sure you have the self-discipline to log in every day and keep up progress.

You may have to cope with technical problems when accessing digital resources, listening to lectures or interacting with your instructor or classmates. Are you willing to keep after it and ask for help?

Time-Management Skills
Online courses are usually not taught in real time, and your teacher won’t nag you to complete your assignments, so you must be able to manage your time well. If you are not able to evaluate the class requirements, set a study schedule and stick with it, procrastination may get the best of you.

Communication Skills
Instructors are willing to help their students, but when you’re separated by cyber-space, your teachers are not likely to know when you need help. Be sure you use the email, online discussion groups, office chat hours or other approved methods to ask your questions and get clarification you need. Remember to write out full questions and be respectful instead of use informal language and vent frustrations.

A Good Study Environment
One thing it’s easy to underestimate is an environment conducive to good study habits.
• Find a quiet place where family, roommates, TV, etc won’t be a distraction.
• Turn off your games, cell phone, social media, etc.
• Don’t lose track of time surfing the net.
• Also be sure to consider your desk, chair and lighting. If you’re physically uncomfortable, your mind is more apt to wander toward distractions.

How can you succeed at online learning? If you’re motivated, you can succeed with hard work and persistence. Now all you need to do is find the right program for you. Visit www.iccsonlinebiblecollege.com for more information about online learning.

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