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Can You Help a Prisoner Study The Bible?

Many inmates find Christ while in prison since they are new believers, they need Bibles. Some sections believe that their ideal Bible is the King James Version, others advocate for the new American Standard Bible, the irony of it all is that many of them have little knowledge about those Bibles! Many donors issue Bibles to prisoners, but unfortunately, they don’t know how to study them. It becomes hard for them to read. You can help a prisoner study the Bible by recommending them at our Bible school college. We offer Bible study lessons at an affordable price.

New believers often have many questions pertaining Christianity; prisoners have more! Prisoners have a dilemma of what will happen tomorrow; this makes them feel helpless and forgotten. The Bible is the only solution to their predicaments, friends and family members should help them by finding their Bible studies. This will make them to not only grow spiritually but overcome the challenges they face while incarcerated.

Nobody is jailed for missing church. Most of them are there after committing crimes emanating from anger, hatred, trust, etc. a new believer in Christ living in prison can embark on his/her evil behavior and ignore spiritual growth due to the destructions in prison. How can new believers in Christ learn about his kindness, understanding, love peace and let go their evil deeds? It’s only by reading of the word of God and putting it into practice.

Many volunteers ask questions about the best Bible that is suited for prisoners. It’s important for them to know that Bible studies done in prison differ from that done in churches. This is because while other inmates are literate and can read comfortably, a section of them are can hardly read or write anything. Literacy skills are taught to make Bible study a success. Since we are Christians ready to take His cross, we should also be confident about those who are underprivileged. We demonstrate our love to God by extending our empathy to those who have been ignored.

We at www.iccscampus.org have interacted with the incarcerated for many years, and they long for a just spiritual home where nobody judges them or looks down upon them. “If anyone says “I love God and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who does not love God whom he hasn’t seen (1 john4:20). We at iccampus.org have many donors that fund Bible study program for incarcerated. It has been a success since many prisoners come from low-income homes. Funding their studies can be a daunting experience. Your input is highly welcome; you can donate funds to our college to be part of our prison ministry.

Inmates can usually cut off from the outside world. Hence they live isolating life. The best you can do to them so that they develop the urge of seeking God is by being caring and loving to them. You provide them with the assurance that their past is a long gone affair and the best they can do is to turn to the Lord.

Bible study lessons are significant to our incarcerated friends. They live their lives in solitude and if we can want to make them use their time appropriately is by engaging them. That’s why we at ww.iccscampus.org offer Bible study lessons to the incarcerated. You can support their Bible study course to enable them to become productive and responsible citizens after they are set free from prison.
Like other Christians, prisoners also need to have a feel of the Kingdom. This comes from knowing the word of God. A person can only know this word by reading the Bible. Many people especially prisoners don’t know how to read the Bible! If you are passionate about prison ministry, you can help a prisoner study the Bible at our college.

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To read more about our programs for the incarcerated please click here.

Please complete the information in the box that says, "Start Here" or call us at (877)391-3741 to begin your educational journey with ICCS.